Majestic Monday #4
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 06:41:06 AM
Majestic Monday #4
The final week begins now! New merch, a crazy new premium reward tier, new emotes, and we are showing off the Ratatan pets! For those of you who graciously choose the His Master's Voice premium reward, we can't wait to have your cute little buddy in the game! This is the final push! Let's see just how far our RataTEAM can go!!!
Campaign Information:
Merchandise Corner:
Weapon of Choice - This reward has largely been overlooked but you've seen the back and forth discussion about which weapon was good for Mushma's Cobun! You've duked it out over the character battle for your favorite Ratatan weapon as well. This is your chance to come up with a really cool name to add to the Ratatan world in a way that only YOU could. Steve's Spear? Milksword? You decide!
Collector's Cards - This set of premium trading cards features all the main Ratatans, their Cobun, core enemies, and weapons. If the Dark Ratatan goal is cleared, those characters and their Cobun will be added as well. The front side will contain art with the back side featuring core information and statistics. Each card is 63 x 88mm, 300g coated paper with matte lamination. This 60 plus card set will come in a shrink-wrapped tuck box.
Price: 11,000 yen
Special Thanks - We know some campaigns offer being in the credits but rather than have a staff role that scrolls for 20 minutes, we want to focus on giving standard backers more value through the closed Beta test and community rewards. However, we understand that if you are a die-hard fan you want to be recognized for your support... that and of course give that little bit extra that can help grab those final amazing stretch goals. So we have created the "Special Thanks" add-on that will put you into the credits of the game.
Price: 1500 yen
Premium Tier Signed Add-on - Since Kickstarter only allows you to choose one main reward, several people have had to make the heartbreaking choice of going with a Premium tier and foregoing a signed artbook as those are separate tiers. Well, say no more, we are adding the ability for Premium Reward Tier backers to get their artbook signed! Please ONLY choose this add-on if you are a PREMIUM backer!
Price: 20,000 yen
Premium Reward Re-issue:
We've convinced the developers to slide in 2 more Audiophile rewards because the last push may have some new backers who want that one last shot to appear in the game. That also got us thinking about legacy and how we can continually honor our biggest supporters. So we have added the Double Take Premium Reward!
Double Take Premium Reward:
This reward grants the backer the chance to appear in Ratatan as an NPC as well as a sequel IF one is created. Very rarely do teams do a Kickstarter campaign for a sequel to a game so this is most likely the only way to guarantee your place in Ratatan 2. Additionally, we are throwing in the chance to meet the team and play an interim build if you come to Japan. Note: Airfare and hotel are not included in this reward.
Price: 1,200,000 yen
Limit: 2
Character Battle Results:
It's hard not to see what makes Harigittan's spikey guitar so appealing. Keroronpa stuck in there until the very end but ultimately this was Harigittan's win. Guitar Smash!!!
Final Character Battle:
This is it, the FINAL character battle! You now have all the Ratatan's names, weapons, and core information at your hands so the big question when you start the game is... who will you play as first?
Closing Stream:
This is it! The party of the year! We will be holding a closing stream from September 1st at 8AM EST/5AM PST on our Twitch channel. Yes, yes, yes... We know... very few parties start at 5AM on a Friday. Alas, with Kickstarter you must finish at the same time you started. While this is not ideal, we can say it's the perfect time for an early breakfast featuring... milk_small! We'll have more specifics on the closing stream in our next update!
Ratatan Twitch Channel:
Stretch Goals:
We are so close to securing the customized Ratatans and Cobuns so we have decided to show the next goal and it's a BIG one! It gives us the greatest of pleasures to announce Kouno-san of the Loco Roco fame as a collaborator! We are getting the Japan Studio band back together and having Kouno-san bring his unique design sensibilities to the game is a dream come true! Here's what the Maestro has to say:
"A few weeks ago, I was surprised to learn of Ratatan's announcement, and to my surprise, a collaboration proposal came my way. It's to be a spiritual successor to Patapon, a game whose gameplay and fun is already well-established in the world, so at first I couldn't imagine what sort of collaboration this would be. When I got to listen to what the team had to say, however, it seems like I'll be able to make various suggestions, so I hope to mix my energy in with Ratatan in a cool way and create a fun, surprising chemical reaction.
Above all, I am happy to be able to work with Kotani-san and the production staff, as well as with the composer, Adachi-san, who was a great help to me with Loco Roco!
I still don't know what kind of collaboration it will be yet myself, but I am excited and looking forward to it!!"
It's really cool to have a campaign that not only supports folks like Kotani-san but now you will be showing your love towards Kouno-san as well!
Community Goals:
Our final community goals are live and all about seeing where we can end with the final week of the campaign. We already have a robust community on Discord, Twitter, and Youtube so let's see if we can expand that to the point of us clearing these final goals and securing another CD's worth of amazing music for everyone! Tell a buddy/friend/partner/gamer/frenemy and let's do this!!
Development Update:
#8 Game Design: Rhythm Commands
Welcome to Development Update #8!
Just like last Wednesday, we have some more comments from Ratatan team member Shimizu-san who's in charge of the game's battle design.
Hello there!
I'm Shimizu and I'm in charge of the battle design within the Ratatan team. In our last update on Wednesday, we introduced the Ratatan's character design. And today, I'd like to talk more about the game's Rhythm Commands.
The themes for our attitude towards the rhythm commands are, Intuitive and Phrase.
First up, we chose "intuitive" because the Ratatan that the players control can move around freely, and so we're trying to structure the rhythm command inputs so as not to be overly complex.
For example, requiring players to input a string of several button commands would make the controls very complicated, so we considered building the rhythm command system without the need to change the way you press the buttons. This would only simplify the gameplay, however, so we thought it better to approach the game in such a way that the rhythm itself changed depending on the way the buttons are pressed. This way, pressing a button for a little bit or a long time will change the rhythm commands. Also, by tying the rhythm commands to respective actions--these buttons for attacks, these buttons for movement--we will be able to make the inputs more intuitive.
Next, "phrases." In Ratatan, our hope is that adopting phrases like "Rat-tat-tat," "Zun-taka-tan," and "Yah-hoi-hoi" as rhythm commands would help players enjoy the sensation of rhythm with a new instrument that's different from your typical percussion. These work like sampler playback, for example, where you can use one phrase by itself, or change the phrase by playing it again in the middle (like "Rat-tat-Rat-tat-Rat-tat-tat"). This system that combines our desire for enjoyable phrases with the intuitive button inputs I described earlier is the kind of rhythm command we're aiming for in Ratatan.
We're currently working on three different rhythm commands to test out and examine how they feel to play. We hope you look forward to seeing what that experience will be like with each rhythm command.
So what'd you think?
We hope this gives everyone a little more to work with when imagining how Ratatan's gameplay is going to look.
Not to mention, we have our final Ratatan to introduce! With everyone's help, we were able to decide what color their outfit should be, so please be sure to give a great round of applause to Kamonelo and their Cobun!
※Artwork is in development and subject to change.
Melodium: Horn
Role: Healer
Profile: Soothes its comrades with its healing horn.
Does what it must behind the scenes patching up fellow Ratatans, Cobun and Fortrun, but always looks like it'd rather be doing literally anything else.
We also have some still-in-development ideas that our talented agent managed to get their hands on! (We’re not sure if these will make it to the final version or not...)
※Artwork is in development and subject to change.
And with that, all eight of our Ratatans have been revealed! We're sure everyone has a favorite too. It'll be some time before you're able to meet them in game, but we hope you will continue to adore them, make fanart of them and proclaim your love for them on the Ratatan Discord in the meantime!
We also have some other development news for you regarding the premium reward “His Master’s Voice” (the reward that has us put your pet in the game)! Up until today, how the pets will actually be implemented has been shrouded in mystery…
But now we have some in-development concept art to show you all! Here you can see which pet corresponds to which Ratatan, as well as a pet on the left based on Kotani-san’s own beloved cat (featured in the second image)!
※Artwork is in development and subject to change.
We still haven’t decided how exactly they will appear in the game, and the design may change in the future, but we intend to give them roles that will allow them to heal you as cute members of your in-game family! If any of you want to put your family members in game then please consider choosing this premium reward!
There are only a few days left in the campaign, but we’ve still got two updates and the closing stream to go, so let’s keep this Ratatan parade rocking until the very end! See you next update!
最終週が始まります!新グッズ、クレイジーな新プレミアム報酬ティア、新エモート、そしてラタタンのペットたちをお見せします!His Master’s Voiceのプレミアムティアを選んでくださった方々の可愛いペットがゲーム内に登場させるのは本当に楽しみです!最後のラタタン!これが最後の追い込みです!我々のRataTEAMがどこまでやれるか見てみましょう!
Weapon of Choice: この報酬はほとんど見過ごされてきたが、マッシュマのコブンにはどの武器がいいのか、というファン投票をご覧になりましたね?好きな武器のキャラクターバトルで対決したこともあるので、この機会に、ラタタンワールドを彩る、あなただけのクールなネーミングを考えてみませんか?スティーブのスピア?ミルクソード?決定権はコミュニティのものです!
Collector’s Cards:このプレミアム・トレーディング・カードのセットには、主要なラタタンとそのコブン、主となる敵、武器がすべて収録されています。ダーク・ラタタンのゴールをクリアすれば、それらのキャラクターとコブンも追加されます。表面にはアートが、裏面には主な情報が掲載される予定です。各カードは63×88mm、300gのコート紙、マットラミネート加工。この60枚以上のカードセットはシュリンクタックボックス入りです!
Special Thanks: クレジットの中に入ることを提供するキャンペーンがあることは知っていますが、20分間スクロールするだけの役割を持つよりも、私たちはクローズドベータテストとコミュニティの報酬を通して、標準的なバッカーにもっと価値を与えることに集中したいのです。しかし、熱烈なファンで、サポートが認められたい......そしてもちろん、最後の素晴らしいストレッチゴールをつかむのに役立つ、ほんの少しのプラスアルファを与えたい......という方もいるということを、私たちは理解しています。そこで私たちは、ゲームのクレジットに表示される "Special Thanks"アドオンを作成しました!
値段: 1500円
Premium Tier Signed Add-on: Kickstarterではメインリワードを1つしか選べないため、別のティアであるアートブックを犠牲にしてプレミアムリワードを選んだ、悲痛な選択を迫られたバッカーが何人もいます。そこで、プレミアム・リワード・ティアーのバッカーのために、サイン入りアートブックを入手できるようにしました!
Premium Reward再発行
私たちは開発者を説得し、あと2つのAudiophile特典を追加することにしました。最後の一押しで、ゲームに登場する最後の一撃を望む新しいバッカーが現れるかもしれないからです。また、今後も最大のバッカーに継続的に敬意を表する方法についても考えさせられました。そこで、Double Take Premium Rewardを追加しました!
Double Take Premium Reward:
このリワードでは、バッカーにRatatanにNPCとして登場するようにして、続編が作られた場合にそれにも登場するようにいたします。続編用のKickstarterキャンペーンを行うチームはめったにないので、Ratatan 2への出演を保証する唯一の方法です。さらに、来日していただければ、チームに会い、中間ビルドをプレイする事もできます。
これが、今年最大のパーティーです!9月1日午後21時 JSTからTwitchチャンネルでクロージングストリームを行います。日本時間だとパーティにはぴったりの時間ですね!美味しい料理やドリンクを用意して見ていただければと思います!クロージングストリームの詳細については、次回の更新でお知らせします!
Ratatan Twitch チャンネル:
数週間前、ラタタンの発表を知って驚いていた所に、なんと僕の所にコラボのお話がやってきました。 パタポンの系譜ということで、遊びや楽しい世界はすでに確立してるので、そこに僕がどんな形でコラボができるのか、はじめは見当もつきませんでしたが、お話を聞くと色々と提案をしても良さそうだったので、僕のエネルギーをうまくラタタンの中にまぜて、想定外の面白い化学反応がだせたらいいなと思います。
#8 ゲームデザイン:リズムコマンドの設計
さらに今日は開発から少し新情報を……プレミアムリワードのHis Master's Voice(ゲーム内にペットを出演させる権利)というものがありますが、これまでそのペットの実態は謎に包まれていました。
Fabulous Friday #4
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 05:35:14 AM
Fabulous Friday #4
This is it! The final week! Your final chance to participate in those premium rewards to be a part of Ratatan lore FOREVER! Those signed sets also will be gone for good after the campaign closes so if you are a collector's collector, then now is your chance!
Since we are in our last week of the campaign, there is no holding back! We'll be introducing some still-in-development content, we'll hold our first Discord giveaway, and you'll get to hear from Nakasha-san, the Director of the game.
Campaign Information:
Discord Giveaway
We'll be giving 10 lucky users the hyper rare Kro role and emote two-pack! All you have to do is go to the giveaway channel in general and press the button to participate! Don't worry though, you can still earn this super cool emote by leveling up on Discord through chatting with folks, gaining achievements, and just having fun! If you want to check your level go to demetan-commands and enter /rank! Winners will be decided on Sunday the 27th at 10PM EST/ 7PM PST.
Character Battle #4:
We are almost done with our character battles! It's been fun to see where you all landed on the different poll questions and more importantly see your passion! This week's battle is simple: Which character's Melodium do you like the most? In case you don't remember, there they are:
・Keroronpa - Megaphone
・Harigitaan - Electric Guitar
・Nyandola - Bell
・Mimizukyun - Clarinet
・Pyokorappa - Trombone
・Buttonda - Sousaphone
・Mushuma - Bagpipes
As a heads up, we'll have one final character battle on August 28th and will give you a sneak peek so you can talk amongst yourselves and form RATAlliances in advance! Which Ratatan will you play as in the game?
Stop Tolja So's Summoning
Priestess Tolja has begun to summon something... or someone! It will take all your FAN LOVE to slow her down!!! To buy some time stream at least 4 games that Adachi-san has worked on in 4 DIFFERENT voice channels on the official discord at the SAME TIME! XI[sai], Freedom Wars, Doko Demo Issyo, LocoRoco, Patapon, Gran Turismo are all fair game! Do it by Sunday August 27th at 10PM EST to keep those amazing sticker upgrades featuring the newly announced characters!
Discord Q&A:
Final reminder for your chance to join the Discord Q&A. It will take place on Friday August 25th at 8PM EST/5PM PST. We'll see you in the dev-questions channel from 8PM EST - 8:45PM EST there then hop over to the Japanese 開発者質疑応答 channel for 15 minutes (starting at 8:45PM EST)
Discord Level-up Weekend!
Starting from the time today's update is released up until the time Majestic Monday #4's update is released, we'll be increasing the Level Up experience point feature of the Discord server to 1.5 times! Spend some time in Discord getting to know your fellow fans and secure those level up bonus emojis!
From a wide variety of super supportive media sites (we know some of you don't feel another Kickstarter campaign will get you the clicks) to fan-made music remixes, we LOVE IT ALL.
Also, it's nice to see a mention from another successful Japanese Kickstarter! Hi, Machida-san and Kaneko-san!
・Double Kickstarter (Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood)
・Nintendo Sphere
Development Information:
Welcome to our Friday Development Update!
As always, we're going to open with an interview from one of the development team. This time our interview is with the game's director, Nakasha-san, so please take a look!
Next up is our Creator's Corner with... Wait, who's this?
The Dark Ratatans
One of the latest stretch goals to be revealed was the appearance of the Dark Ratatans! We're sure you're keen to see what they we're gonna share some insight for you today!
※This is concept art still in development and may be subject to change.
Hey there, Supervisor Kotani here, revealing the new units potentially headed for Ratatan.
We're so grateful for the tremendous support we've received day after day from our fans. And with only one week left, I'd like to make an important announcement today.
In order to make Ratatan all the more enjoyable, we've designed enemy characters tentatively named the "Rival Ratatans.” As well as being a rival group for the Ratatans, they're a bit fun and a bit dramatic and are counterparts for each of the regular Ratatans. We asked Nelnal to design these characters and they knocked it out of the park! We asked ourselves "Wouldn't characters with such a unique presence deserve the name 'Dark Ratatan'? and the decision was unanimous.
So while it may be short notice, we'd love to bring the Dark Ratatans into the world of Redo and we hope you'll support us in doing so!
Design Concept: Nelnal-san
I was given some fun prompts to use as a base, such as the rabbit's rival being a tortoise and a bamboo shoot being the mushroom's rival, etc. and I was able to develop an idea of how they would look.
My goal was to create designs that would display a strong sense of individuality. And if you look hard enough, their outfits match those worn by the Ratatan.
I thought it would be interesting for their personalities to be the polar opposites of their rivals.
So what do you think?
We trust you'll be able to release them from their stretch goal prison, and while we can't reveal details at this stage, we hope you'll enjoy theorizing about them over the last few days of the campaign!
超レアなクロウのロールとエモートの2点セットを抽選で10名様にプレゼントします!参加するには、giveawayチャンネルに入ってボタンを押すだけです!この超クールなエモートは、Discordでみんなとチャットしたり、アチーブメントを獲得したり、ただ楽しんだりしてレベルアップしても獲得できるので、ご心配なく!自分のレベルを確認したい場合は、demetan-commandsにアクセスして/rankと入力してください!当選者は8/28 (月)AM11:00 JSTに決定されます。
ケロロンパ: メガホン
ハリギッタン: エレキギター
ニャンドラー: ベル
ミミズッキュン: クラリネット
ピョコラッパ: トロンボーン
ブットンダ: スーザホン
マッシュマ: バグパイプ
Discord Q&A
DiscordのQ&Aの最後のリマインダーです。8月26日(土)AM9:00 JSTに行われます。9時から9時45分までdev-questionチャンネルで、その後9時45分からは日本語の開発者質疑応答チャンネルで実施されます!
・Double Kickstarter (『ARMED FANTASIA』 と 『PENNY BLOOD』)
・Nintendo Sphere
The Dark Ratatans
新規ストレッチゴールとして、Dark Ratatans Joinが公開されました!
Whimsical Wednesday #4
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 06:03:08 AM
Whimsical Wednesday #4
With less than TEN days we are marching towards the end of the campaign. It's always a big question on every team's mind... How much will that funding curve rise during the last big week? We still have some tricks up our Ratatan sleeves as well as some of the bigger and interesting stretch goals left so we'll have to see but at any rate, the community is amazing and we just want to grow it even bigger! As always, word-of-mouth is the most important thing so getting the word out as a RataTEAM is essential for our last week’s success!
Campaign Information:
Final Discord Q&A:
As mentioned on Monday, the final Discord Q&A will take place August 25th (Friday) at 8PM EST/5PM PST. This will be a little earlier than we are used to but wanted to make sure everyone could go out Friday night AFTER the Q&A is finished. Like the previous Discord Q&A we'll be in the dev-questions EN channel for 45 minutes. Then we will head over to the 開発者質疑応答 channel from 8:45 PST/5:45 EST for 15 minutes to talk with the Japanese-speaking fans.
New Emojis and Achievements Incoming:
We know not everyone is a fan of discord but love how big that community has gotten. It's taken us a while but with some help from our AMAZING moderators, we finally have smoothed things out the experience overall. Over the next few days, we'll be adding in new emoji and new achievements. Some of the emoji will be available for everyone. Others you can earn through leveling up and being social with other Ratatan fans on the official Discord. Think of this as Ratatan's frequent flyer program!
Stretch Goals:
You cleared the Collectapedia stretch goal meaning you have a place to look at all the enemies, weapons, bosses, and characters. With characters this cute, it's great to be able to add that functionality. You are on your way towards unlocking Chinese and Korean to add in a whole new strata of fans! But more importantly you have now revealed the Ratatan and Cobun customization stretch goal. You'll be able to change partial colors and visual aspects of your Ratatans and Cobuns. Who doesn't love a nice wardrobe change from time to time! As we approach the final stretch goals, the content will get bigger and bigger... but also some really cool stuff is hidden back there so hopefully we can reach them all!
Community Game:
Well, you blew through the fan-polls challenge within a day but it's nice to see you use that functionality! Although we are surprised you are doing your own little character battles there seeing as how much you all seem to have found your favorites in terms of characters! Unfortunately, the Adachi-san favorite song community goal is not going well. We have LESS THAN 25 backers who have listed their favorite song that Adachi-san has worked on. We really thought with how amazing the music is, this would be an easy goal to clear... if you have the time, swing over to the official Youtube and list one track of Adachi-san's that you love!
Fan Art:
By: Catty Hunter
By: AnticuadoDenjir
By: wanyapon
By: crystal.qn
By: jazz-rat
Development Update:
#7 Game Design: Character Design
Welcome to Development Update #7!
The campaign is approaching the home stretch, and so the team wanted to explain a few more plans and policies surrounding some major parts of the game.
To help with this, we've spoken with Shimizu-san and collected some of his comments for this issue and the next one, so let's get started!
Hello all, pleased to speak with you. My name is Shimizu and I'm in charge of the battle design for Ratatan.
In this Wednesday update and next Friday's update, I'd like to introduce two pretty large components of the game. Today's will be about the character design of the Ratatan.
The theme will be the "loose" division of roles given to each Ratatan.
This game operates with player-controlled characters, such as the Ratatan or Cobun, each having assigned roles in battle. That being said, if these roles are too strictly defined then the game's adventurous and carefree nature will be lost, so we've been working on maintaining a loose sense of balance so any Ratatan can be used freely. The basic principle is that all Ratatan attack the enemy, although there are differences in how they attack and their range. Our policy here is to rather characterize the Ratatan's skills and the Cobuns' unique behaviors.
Now, another policy of ours revolves around character design. The Ratatan are the stars of the show, and so their characterization takes into account the world, the way they act and how they look.
Let's take a look at one example:
Harigittan isn't just a tough defender, but is great at counter attacking with sharp spikes--Harigittan’s catchphrase is "anyone who approaches me haphazardly is gonna be in for a surprise" and their trademark is that slicked back, spiky hair-do.
The Cobun that follow such a character are also pretty spiky, and so at a glance, you can tell that they'll also be defenders that deal some counterattack damage. We approached the other characters' behavior in much the same way.
We hope you're excited to see it all come together as we continue working on creating a carefree adventure with such a unique cast of Ratatans that everyone will enjoy.
Next up is the Creator’s Corner! Today, we received a comment from adultseat, the background artist who drew those amazing backgrounds for us.
Creator’s Corner: Background Artist adultseat
Nice to meet you.
I'm adultseat, and I'm in charge of the background illustrations.
Thanks so much for your warmth and support in this campaign! Your excitement for this project is giving me energy and I can feel my creativity growing every day.
I want the background art of Ratatan to ooze with a lively atmosphere that'll make you want to dance along with the characters on screen, as well as a sense of fun that'll have you discovering something new each time you play. There's a bunch more stages still to come, and I can't wait to see everyone singing and marching across each landscape!
Now, on to the last section of today's update.
You may have noticed the Premium Rewards, Dirge of the Dead (the right to having your name engraved on a tombstone) and Ghost with the Most (the right to appear in-game as a portrait). But until now, we haven't gone into detail as to how or where these gravestones and portraits are going to appear.
Well, allow me to show you a sneak peek of some concept art of a stage that's still in development!
I'll leave it up to the community to theorize what kind of place this is going to be while you wait for the next update!
月曜日にお伝えしたように、8月26日(土)9:00 JSTに最後のDiscord Q&Aが行われます。これは過去2回の実施時間より少し早いですが、Q&Aが終わった後、みんなが金曜日の夜に出かけられるようにしたかったのです(アメリカ時間の話です、日本の皆さんごめんなさい!)。前回のDiscord Q&Aのように、私たちは45分間dev-questions ENチャンネルにいます。その後、午後8:45時(アメリカ東海岸時間)/午後5:45時(アメリカ西海岸時間)から15分間、開発者質疑応答チャンネルに移動し、日本語ファンと話をします。
By: Catty Hunter
By: AnticuadoDenjir
By: wanyapon
By: crystal.qn
By: jazz-rat
#7 ゲームデザイン:キャラクター設計
本日は素晴らしい背景を書き下ろして下さっている背景アーティスト adultseatさんからコメントをいただいております!
クリエイターズコーナー:背景アーティスト adultseat
背景イラストを担当しています、adultseat です。
プレミアムリワード:Dirge of the Dead(墓石に名前を刻む権利)とプレミアムリワード:Ghost with the Most(ゲーム内に肖像画として登場する権利)が存在するのは皆様ご存じかと思います。
Majestic Monday #3
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 05:55:39 AM
Majestic Monday #3
So here we are... the last two weeks. It's been an amazing journey and we still have our Megaton announcements left. What could they be?? For now let's look at the key stats:
・Almost 10,000 backers
・Over 8500 Discord users
・Over 20,000 registered Youtube users
・Over 13,500 registered Twitter users
・Over 200,000 gallons of consumed milk!**
**(Consumed milk calculated by combined amount of :milk_small: and :milk~1:)
As always, we cannot thank everyone enough. While the incredibly generous financial support we get through our backers helps make a better game, the all-around amazing and fun community keeps the fire in our developer hearts BURNing hot!
Campaign information:
Merchandise Corner!
Flag Flyers Premium Reward - While only two backers have currently selected this reward, it's worth noting that flying their flag high on Fortrun will be instantly visible throughout the entire stage as Fortrun proceeds along his merry way. As with other premium rewards you get all the core rewards in the Super Fever Set so if you are looking for a way to get your creative-side into the final game, consider helping to dress Fortrun up!
Kendama - Here is a fun way to play with a Ratatan character when you’re actually not playing Ratatan. Kendamas are traditional Japanese toys and we’ve created a very ratatanesque one! Show off your skills while reppin’ the Cobun army with this sweet 185mm beech wood kendama!
Price: 9500 yen
Kendama mock-up
Tumbler - Staying hydrated is essential. So is saving the planet. That is why we are offering this very cool and very useful reusable Ratatan tumbler. Whether you like your drinks hot or cold, we’ve got you covered! This 20oz (60cl) stainless steel cup has been designed to maintain your drink’s temperature just the way you like it! Except we have a problem! We have two excellent mock-ups but don't know which way to go so we'll need your input! Check out the fan-vote on the official Discord to vote whether you'd prefer Black or Teal as the base color. There is still a chance that if the tumbler is possible that we add in the other color later but for now we need to prioritize the most popular choice.
Price: 10,000 yen
Fan Choice and Character Battle Results
Of course you would choose the Buttonda to be the best cook! Thanks to everyone who voted in Character Battle #3!
We also got some amazing feedback from you on the core game design! Mushuma's cobun will be wielding a large scythe it would appear!
Finally, while it was great to see people suggest other colors too, everyone's favorite Platypus Ratatan will be green! We really appreciate your quick feedback! You have helped the dev team out of a design jam.
Final Discord Q&A:
We'll be running one FINAL discord Q&A this week. It will take place on Friday August 25th at 8PM EST/5PM PST. This is your last chance to ask the main developers your burning questions. It's hard to get them all in one place so join us in the Discord dev-interview channel then!
English Q&A time: 45 min.
Japanese Q&A will run for 15 afterwards.
Stretch Goals:
You've now zoomed past the Fireworks goal, cleared 1 million dollars (laughs in Dr. Evil voice) , and revealed the new languages we'll add at 155M yen... Nice! But what's more... you have the amazing "Beautiful Snowflakes" hint! You will LOVE this one.
Community Goals:
We had a lot of inquiries about the community goals. Did you clear the 2000 votes for Wednesday's fan vote? Since we add up the English and Japanese discord channels along with the Twitter votes... at 3850 - YES YOU DID!
While you didn't clear the Threads goal you did stop the Mantaneers attack on BOTH fronts so you have cleared last week's community goals and obtained the covered color records. At one point we saw as many as 33 people in the Harigittan voice chat and even snuck in for a listen--TOTAL CHAOS! We loved it! You also got a total 3735 votes on from Discord and Twitter for the Fan Choice #2 vote and really helped out our creators. Nice work RataTEAM!
Development Update:
#6 Game Design: Roguelite
Welcome to the 6th development update!
Today we’ll be going over a topic that came up many times during both the Discord Q&A and the Reddit AMA, so I’m sure that everyone’s curious about it: Just what sort of roguelite elements are we planning to include in Ratatan? Today, Director Nakasha will explain it all!
Hello everyone.?
Nakasha, Director of development for the Ratatan team here.
Today, I would like to talk about the roguelite element, which it seems like everyone's interested in hearing about. Ratatan has attracted the attention of a great many people with all kinds of interests. Some of them are fans of rhythm-action games, and others are people who don't usually play games but would like to try Ratatan because of its cute characters.
With that in mind, the roguelite direction may raise certain concerns. Out of all roguelike elements (at least, that's what we'll refer to them as here), "permadeath", or losing everything you’ve gained in a run when you die, is the most representative one. While it can make gameplay more thrilling, it can also be cause for players to give up or stop playing a game. That’s why we'd like to reassure you all by declaring our policy in advance.
First of all, we are planning to incorporate permanent enhancements, which are elements that allow players to strengthen themselves through gameplay. We intend to include more of these than typically seen in conventional roguelite titles. Naturally we plan to implement elements such as enemies that change on each run and instanced buff elements, as is common in roguelite titles, but I would like to declare here that we plan to build the game in a way that emphasizes importance on number of playthroughs and time spent in the game.
We also intend for the permadeath element to be a little looser, so that even if a player fails to complete a stage, they will be able to take back some of what they gained during their progression. We do not intend to make everything you've earned disappear upon death.
This policy will also be applied to multiplayer games, with the construction of a system that allows players to join and leave the game midway, as well as a system that syncs levels when joining a game part way.
We also plan to implement a system in which enemies are strengthened as stages are completed, but will take into account the player's strength level so that certain players do not feel overwhelmed or left behind.
For now, we hope this reassures you; that we will only be "loosely" implementing roguelite elements and the time you spend in the game will strongly affect how things progress.
What do you think?
I would be very happy if this reduced your anxiety or increased your excitement for the game, if even just a little.
Next, instead of going to the Creator's Corner... I have to introduce this little creature to you all! This is "Mashuma" and their cobun!
*The image is from a game still in development and may differ in the final product.
Melodium: Bagpipes
Role: Fumigator
Profile: Manipulates mushrooms with a set of dubious looking bagpipes. Specializes in disorienting the enemy with smoke shrooms. Shy and inconspicuous, but will always get the job done.
We also did our best to get our hands on some in-development variation ideas that we really wanted to show you! (We’re not sure if these will be included in the final product or not…)
From the left, you’ll see an alternate color version, Cobun wearing matching clothes that might be popular with a certain crowd, and two rough drafts that were still being designed. (We couldn’t line them up thanks to that huge mushroom cap…)
*The image is from a game still in development and may differ in the final product.
With this, we’ve revealed 7 Ratatan, and there’s only one left waiting for their big reveal! You’ll have to wait until next week to set your eyes on that one… Speaking of which, it seems like Kotani-san wants to talk about eyes today!
Creator’s Corner: Supervisor Kotani
Hello! Monday really came in the blink of an eye.
It’s me, Kotani. I’m back again to talk about some more silly stuff. Last time, I talked about what an ordeal it was deciding on designs for the Ratatan.
I believe it’s only through suffering, coming up with a design concept and having Nelnal-san give them life that the Ratatans were able to become creatures that can tug on everyone’s heartstrings. I’m already seeing messages like “Nyandola’s the only one for me” and “I want Keroronpa to make fun of me,” or “Someone give Harigittan a big hug.” Those, along with all the fanart, animations, and comics that people have created have brought me a lot of enjoyment.
Right now, I’m typing away on my keyboard with the intention of talking about where I came up with the design concept for the wide-open eye and eyepatch theme that symbolizes the Ratatan, but I’m having a hard time explaining the logic behind it. Honestly, it’s not frustrating but rather something like an itchy feeling.
Of course, they’re meant to conjure up images of the characters you all know and love, but here, I’d like to unveil an important secret about Ratatan that has never been revealed before.
In Patapon, the player was a god who looked down on the world and led its little creatures.
What about in this game?
Some people might say “Well, it’s the Ratatans, right?” But here I’d like to quote some sentences from something I wrote in celebration of Patapon’s birthday last year.
Long, long ago, there were strange machines shaped like Medama called Gyorocchi.
Since playing outside on this planet was impossible, the Gyorocchi was the first present given to newborn children, and their first friend. They spent all their time together–wonderful companions who shared all their secrets and cried and laughed together.
Then time passed, and the children grew up, forgetting about the days they spent playing with their Gyorocchi. Then even more time passed, and soon there were no more people on the planet.
Small dreams floated up to the surface from the floor of the deep sea, only to be knocked to and fro by the waves until they were swallowed up by the wind. Does happiness exist at the end of the world?
Riding on the wind, these dreams eventually reached the side of a goddess in the Everafter. She had been waiting there for a long time…
This is how the tale of the Ratatans began.
To Be Continued
Youtube登録者数 20,000人以上
Flag Flyerプレミアムリワード: 現在、このリワードを選択した支援者は2名のみですが、ステージ全体を陽気に進みながらフォートランに高く掲げられた旗は、すぐ目に届く位置にある予定です。他のプレミアムリワードと同様に、Super Fever Setのコアリワードはすべて内包されています。最終的なゲームにクリエイティブな面を取り入れる方法をお探しなら、Fortrunのドレスアップに参加してみてはいかがでしょうか!
けん玉: ラタタンを実際に遊んでいないときに、ラタタンキャラクターと楽しく遊ぶ方法です。けん玉は日本の伝統的なおもちゃですが、私たちはとてもラタタンらしいけん玉を作りました!185mmのブナ材でできたこのけん玉で、コブン軍団の誇りをアピールしながら、あなたの腕前を披露してください!
タンブラー: 水分補給は不可欠。そして地球を守ることも。そのため、私たちはこのとてもクールでとても便利な再利用可能なラタタンタンブラーを提供しています。温かい飲み物も冷たい飲み物も、お好みでどうぞ!この20オンス(60ml)のステンレス製カップは、飲み物の温度をお好みの温度に保つように設計されています!
今週、最後のディスコード質疑応答を行います。8月26日土曜日の09:00 JSTに行われます。メイン開発者にあなたの切実な質問をする最後のチャンスです。すべての開発者を一か所に集めるのは難しいので、是非Discordの開発者質疑応答チャンネルに参加してください!
現在、花火のゴールを突破し、支援総額100万ドルを突破し、そしてついに1億5500万円で追加する新しい言語を明らかにしました...素晴らしい!さらに...「Beautiful Snowflakes」のヒントがあります!きっと気に入るはずです。
#6 ゲームデザイン:ローグライト
Discord Q&A、そしてRedditでのAsk Me Anythingでも多数の質問があった、きっと皆さんが気になっているトピックを今日はご紹介します。
クリエイターズコーナー:スーパーバイザー 小谷
ラタタンじゃねーの?と言われそうですが、昨年パタポンの誕生日に書いた文をちょっと引用します 。
Fabulous Friday #3
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 06:21:02 AM
Fabulous Friday #3
This is an exciting one! Adachi-san who makes magic with his sound design goes into the method to his madness! It's all pretty impressive how he can design the music for a game like Ratatan!
Campaign Information:
Reddit AMA:
As mentioned previously, we'll be holding an AMA on r/ratatan_official subreddit and crossposting on r/IAmA at 10PM EST/7PM PST on Friday August 18th. We hope you'll stop by and ask us your burning questions!
Fan Choice #2:
The devs at Ratata Arts have reached another dilemma with their design and need your help yet again. You'll get specifics on our 8th and final Ratatan on the 28th but in the meantime we are stuck between which color is better: Brown, Green, or a slightly mature shade of purple grey! The team has put together 3 mock-ups and need your feedback to land on a final color. Go on over to the fan-vote channel on Discord or the official Ratatan Twitter to make your voice heard!
Cobun Coloring
We made some adjustments to the coloring of the Cobun we’ve revealed to you thus far. It seemed a bit sad that the rabbit’s colors didn’t match up with their Ratatan, so we made them matching red! We also made some other detailed changes to make it clearer which Cobun is paired with which Ratatan.
Character Battle #3:
You now have 6 of the core Ratatans core information so the character battles are really heating up! This week's challenge: Who is the best cook of the bunch?
Stretch Goals:
You secured Hard Mode, have revealed the Collectopedia, and now have the Wordsmith II hint! Here's to hoping that's Klingon, Latin, and Esperanza! We joke, we joke! Still though, we will be turning things up for our last two weeks and that means even better content for you to unlock!
Community Goals:
You haven't cleared the Threads goal yet but...
Sneak Attack:
The Mantaneers snuck in when we weren't looking and they attacked on TWO fronts! If we can fight them off it will clear our Threads Goal and secure those colored records! We'll need to complete BOTH goals by Sunday August 20th at 10PM EST/ 7PM PST. Here's where we need your help:
1) 1000 emotes/votes on the Fan Choice 2 vote (listed in the fan-vote channel on the official Ratatan Discord)
2) Get 20 members into the English-vc2-harigittan voice chat channel on Discord! Have someone do a screen cap and post it to the chat in that voice channel. You don't need to talk, just be in the voice chat room and show Harigittan some love!
Development Information:
Welcome to our Friday Development Update!
We like to feature our weekly interviews with members of the Ratatan development team on Fridays, and we know today's guest is someone you've all been waiting for; Adachi-san who's in charge of Ratatan's sound!
We hope that was insightful!
And since it's Friday, our Creator's Corner is brought to you by Director Nakasha-san!
Creator’s Corner: Director Nakasha
Hello all, Ratatan Development Director Nakasha here.
I'd like to show off a few elements of the game that our development team is working on implementing on a daily basis.
First thing I'd like to show you is the behavior around Rhythm Commands. Starting with two things:
※ There's a chance these Rhythm Commands may change in the final product.
1. The Fall In command is used to collect Cobun that are trailing behind the Ratatan's current position. Use this command while moving in game and the Cobun will bunch together. It'll be a pretty fundamental command in battles in terms of basic positioning.
2. Attack commands are used to prompt the Cobun to use their basic attack. Each Cobun has a specific attack interval depending on its weapon and it will move around until it is ready to attack again. Being too far away from the enemy will interrupt their attack, so you need to pay attention with their positioning.
The next thing I'd like to share is the Chorus.
We just received their animations the other day, so we'd like to show off how they look.
The Chorus will float around here and there and can be transformed into Cobun that’ll join you on your adventures by using the Fall In command when they're close to your Ratatan. We haven't been able to implement this yet, but we'll hopefully be able to show you how this looks next week. Aside from this, we're still working through the list and adding other necessary elements into the game.
We're preparing more to show you in next week's updates, so I hope you look forward to those!
Reddit AMA:
前述の通り、8月19日(土)11:00 (日本時刻)にr/ratan_official subredditとr/IAmAでAMAを開催します。ぜひお立ち寄りいただき、熱いご質問をお寄せください!
Ratata Artsの開発者たちは、デザインについてまたもやジレンマに陥っており、皆さんの助けを必要としています。8番目で最後のラタタンの情報は28日に公開されますが、それまでの間、私たちはどの色が良いか迷っています。ブラウンとグリーン、そしてちょっぴり大人なパープルグレーか!チームは3つのモックアップを作成しましたが、最終的な色を決めるには皆さんのフィードバックが必要です。Discordのファン投票チャンネルか、ラタタン公式ツイッターにあなたの声を届けてください!
皆さんはハードモードをクリアし、コレクトペディアの公開に辿り着き、そして今、Wordsmith IIのヒントを手に入れました!クリンゴン語、ラテン語、エスペランサ語を期待しています!冗談ですよ、冗談!とはいえ、最後の2週間はさらにパワーアップし、より良いコンテンツをアンロックできるようにする予定です!
1) ファン・チョイス2の投票に1000エモートか投票(ラタタン公式Discordのファン投票チャンネルに記載されています)
2) DiscordのEnglish-vc2-harigittanボイスチャットチャンネルに20人のメンバーを集めてください!誰かにスクリーンキャップの撮影をしてもらい、その音声チャンネルのチャットに投稿してください。話す必要はありません。ボイスチャットでハリギッタンに愛を伝えてください!
クリエイターズコーナー:ディレクター 中舎